Category: Recycle

WM’s Upgraded State-of-the-Art Recycling Facility

Listen to the Januray 4, 2024 This Week In Kirkland Podcast to hear more about the tour!! Kirkland’s former Mayor and councilmember Penny Sweet, Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold, Interim Public Works Director Truc Dever, and the City’s solid waste team…

Six Ways to Be the Worst Recycler Ever

While I’m a confirmed, lifelong subscriber to the glass is half-empty philosophy, I’m often awakened from my pessimistic melancholia when I observe people genuinely wanting to do the right thing when it comes to recycling, even if they’re making a…

Kirkland Bicycle Makes Recycling Work

For small businesses, there are lots of things to juggle to be successful. Local business Kirkland Bicycle knows that – but has also made doing their part for the environment a priority. For Bike Month, we sat down with Joe…

Paint Green (Even When Your Paint is White)

Is painting a room in your house or maybe your whole house on your “to do” list? A fresh coat of “Jungle Vine Green” or “Morning Hush White” can be a great pick-me-up for tired-looking walls, but did you know…

My Favorite Recycling Program: E-Cycle Washington

I’m Jenna Higgins, Recycling Programs Coordinator for the City of Kirkland. It’s a great gig – I get to work with residents and businesses on how to reduce waste and sort what they do have into the right spots. It’s…

On the Road Again: Is Recycling a Political Statement?

Our society has done an outstanding job creating and perpetuating stereotypes: over-simplified assumptions and widely held beliefs about how a society, group, or thing might look or behave. So as not to offend, I’ll offer myself and my Scottish heritage…

On the Road Again: Learning to Practice

So a couple of months ago I decided to buy a birthday present for myself.  It’s one of those things that I had subconsciously coveted for literally decades but for some reason had never bought for myself or even considered…