We share green tips, news, and events for Kirkland, Washington, residents and businesses. Many departments at the City of Kirkland are involved in environmental work, so we teamed up to make it easy for Kirklanders to learn about green topics. The Kirkland Conserves blog is run by the Storm & Surface Water and Solid Waste divisions – in plain talk, that means our focus is recycling/waste reduction and keeping our creeks and lakes clean – but we also like to share about other neat environmental programs in Kirkland.
Our Team
Gena and Jenna write from the recycling and waste reduction perspective, and Aaron and Kate represent all things water and pollution prevention. We also welcome guest bloggers from other departments that fall under the Kirkland Sustainability umbrella.
More Places to Find Us
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Get In Touch
Reach our Recycling Hotline at recycle@kirklandwa.gov or (425) 587-3812. We can answer your wildest recycling questions (we dare you: stump us!), fill you in on upcoming recycling events, and take your awesome ideas for recycling improvements in Kirkland.
Contact our Surface Water team at stormwater@kirklandwa.gov with questions about dealing with drainage, keeping water clean, and protecting our watersheds.
We’re here to serve you! Dying to get more Kirkland-specific information, or have a topic you’d love to learn about? Let us know!
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